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主页 > 新闻 > paris怎么读_paris的英文怎么读


来源:人民时评网作者:史承泽更新时间:2025-03-17 12:14:18 阅读:


How do you pronounce Paris in English?

Paris, the capital city of France, has a unique pronunciation in English. To pronounce Paris correctly, follow these steps:

Step 1:

Start with the letter "P" which is pronounced as "puh". Make sure the "P" sound is strong and clear.

Step 2:

Move on to the letter "a", which is pronounced as "eh". It sounds similar to the short "e" sound in the word "bed".

Step 3:

Next, pronounce the letter "r" which is a bit tricky. You need to make a guttural sound by lightly rolling your tongue at the back of your mouth. It is similar to the "r" sound in Spanish or Italian.

Step 4:

Pronounce the next letter "i" as a long "ee" sound, just like the "ee" in the word "see".

Step 5:

Finally, end with the letter "s" which is pronounced as "suh". It has a soft "s" sound.


Put all the sounds together and pronounce it as "puh-eh-r-ee-s", with the emphasis on the first syllable. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep practicing until you get the pronunciation just right!




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